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JJ Marsh

By day, Jill teaches business English in Zürich. By night, she writes to the sound of cowbells and snoring pugs. A contributor to Words with Jam magazine.
JJ Marsh4/27/2011 Be the first to review this version

Becca Patterson

Becca thinks in stories and would like to invite others to join her in the strange and wonderful world she lives in.
Becca Patterson5/4/2011 Be the first to review this version Becca

E Bundy

E. Bundy lives where female chipmunks are chipnuns, and mice claiming to be cousins move in for the winter then take the towels when they leave in spring.
E Bundy5/4/2011 Be the first to review this version ErikBundy

T Pinkerton

T Pinkerton5/5/2011 Be the first to review this version ThomasPinkerton

Kat Salazar

Interning with Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents with the hopes of becoming an agent myself just as soon as I find a manuscript to fall in love with!
Kat Salazar5/12/2011 Be the first to review this version

Valentine McKay

Valentine is deeply fascinated with the real magic in the world. Her love of fantasy, appreciation for youth, and reverence for Nature appear in her writing.
Valentine McKay5/9/2011 Be the first to review this version ValentineMcKay

A Lawrence Goldman

A Lawrence Goldman5/1/2011 Be the first to review this version

The Insane Raven

The Insane Raven5/1/2011 Be the first to review this version


modusa5/10/2011 Be the first to review this version

Jen Bailey

Jen Bailey5/5/2011 Be the first to review this version JenniferBailey

Marley Magaziner

Marley Magaziner5/24/2011 Be the first to review this version

Robert Nighswander

Robert Nighswander6/18/2011 Be the first to review this version

JS Carter Gilson

Jeff lives in a small apartment north of Boston with his wife Mary Ellen, two cats, two guinea pigs, occasional ghosts and a dirty kitchen.
JS Carter Gilson5/18/2011 Be the first to review this version JeffreyCarter Gilson

Sheila Kyer

Sheila is a hard working mother of three, a devoted cat person, needle work enthusiast, scrapbook artist , avid reader, and accomplished pianist.
Sheila Kyer 5/17/2011 Be the first to review this version Sheila Kyer

Maureen OB

Maureen nearly died in 2007. She rose from near death with a glint in her eye, a tilt to her lips and a belief in her ability to face her fears and write.
Maureen OB5/17/2011 Be the first to review this version Maureen O.Betita

B A Wright

B A Wright has been a lover of fiction since teaching himself how to read at the age of 5. Aside from reading and writing, he enjoys hiking in local parks.
B A Wright6/11/2011 Be the first to review this version

Marc E Hopkins

Author of 'What Killed Jonathon Harnish?' working on 'Perspective: the fictional memoir of Ester Joy White'
Marc E Hopkins7/14/2011 Be the first to review this version MarcHopkins


Christine is a published New Zealand author with three erotic novels published by Penguin NZ. Married twice, with 6 stepchildren, a daughter and grand-daughter.
loveleov8/5/2011 Be the first to review this version ChristineLeov-Lealand

Diana Kelly

Diana Kelly7/30/2011 Be the first to review this version DianaKelly

Rob Nott

Rob Nott8/9/2011 Be the first to review this version RobNottingham

Vera James

There was once a girl who liked to read. She read and read until her mind became so overwhelmed with differing thoughts that she decided to try writing.
Vera James6/28/2011 Be the first to review this version

Maria Escobedo

Maria Escobedo was born in 1992, and has been wreaking havoc in her local community ever since. She is an avid reader, writer, and all-around oddity.
Maria Escobedo6/23/2011 Be the first to review this version Maria Escobedo

Jen Z

Jennelle Zarn has been a motel maid, law enforcement investigator, and English teacher. She lives in southern Minnesota with her husband and three stepchildren.
Jen Z7/20/2011 Be the first to review this version JennelleZarn


Aspiring Vegan, Aspiring Author, Gay, Metaphysical ManBoy
CocteauBoy10/14/2011 Be the first to review this version

Rob Stofega

Comic book writer, screenwriter and now a novelist. Finally.
Rob Stofega8/10/2011 Be the first to review this version RobStofega


Fetidcorpse8/25/2011 Be the first to review this version


Hi, I'm Mallory. I live in the biggest, coldest, most northern and western state of the US. Someday I will have a Doctors in Divinity.
Pyromyria8/29/2011 Be the first to review this version Mallory

Destructo the Mad

Destructo the Mad is the name taken by a writing collective of Carpathian nuns who have taken vows of silence and live in a medieval convent in Romania.
Destructo the Mad9/16/2011 Be the first to review this version


I am a new to writing and have a lot to learn. Looking forward to all this site has to teach me.
hjsplawn10/6/2011 Be the first to review this version HelenSplawn

Chris Fox

Chris hosts a webseries, Writers' Bloc, where he discusses issues relevant to fiction writing and content creation. He's a nerdfighter, vegetarian, and Texan.
Chris Fox11/21/2011 Be the first to review this version ChrisFox

KD Day

KD is a knitter, a reader and a dreamer of oceans. A displanted American, she is currently an MLitt student in Creative Writing at the University of St Andrews
KD Day11/16/2011 Be the first to review this version KDDay


I am a copyeditor, developmental editor, proofreader, and publisher of all kinds of fiction and nonfiction.
Publishsavvy12/1/2011 Be the first to review this version ShannonJaneczek

Alex WIllis

Author, Inventor, Altruist, Humorist, Crazy Person, Publisher, The Go To Guy for Wild Rocks, The Letter 'E' in They and Them and Those Guys
Alex WIllis12/19/2011 Be the first to review this version AlexWillis

Michael JamesJaquish

Michael Jaquish is a poet, an artist, a novelist and a journalist with a background in law enforcement, diplomatic security and Buddhist philosophy.
Michael JamesJaquish1/10/2012 Be the first to review this version MichaelJaquish

Nathan J McDougal

Nathan McDougal is a talentless hack who is not even fit to be called a writer, let alone an author. He's less of a man or more of a outright liar.
Nathan J McDougal1/23/2012 Be the first to review this version NathanMcDougal

Emily Schutt

Emily Schutt1/8/2012 Be the first to review this version

Brigid GH

Brigid Gorry-Hines is a student at Hampshrie College in Massachusetts. She is an aspiring novelist and playwright. She is also a music nerd and coffee addict.
Brigid GH1/8/2012 Be the first to review this version BrigidGorry-Hines

Loralie Hall

Loralie Hall is a database developer by day, donning her secret identity as a fiction writer the rest of the time. Her five year goal is to rule the world.
Loralie Hall2/17/2012 Be the first to review this version LoralieHall


PJ Dominicis lives in South Florida and is currently working on four follow-up novels to "Depraved Blood: The Young Bloodsuckers Series."
pjdominicis2/18/2012 Be the first to review this version


Fun loving and outgoing reader
dailygrind2/20/2012 Be the first to review this version JaneKinley


Artist, musician, and sun loving desert dweller reading and writing fiction and poetry.
Eliyahna3/13/2012 Be the first to review this version EliyahnaVanKurin

Tina Crone

T. M. Crone is a molecular biologist and college professor. She loves skiing, tennis, gardening and all things natural, with the exception of spiders.
Tina Crone4/10/2012 Be the first to review this version TinaCrone


I'm a country mouse, having grown up in small towns in the Mid-Atlantic US but I've have spent my adult life as an urbanite, abroad in the UK & NYC & LA.
Vertere6/13/2012 Be the first to review this version

Jon S Fink

JSF is the author of six novels published in the US and UK. Titles include Further Adventures, Long Pig, If He Lived and A Storm in the Blood.
Jon S Fink7/22/2012 Be the first to review this version

Kristofer Petersson

Kristofer Petersson7/11/2012 Be the first to review this version KristoferPetersson

Pete Randall

A former stagehand, Pete loves football, music & reading. As 'Pirate Pete' he's a regular contributor to Steve Yabsley's local radio show in Bristol. Drinks tea
Pete Randall10/22/2012 Be the first to review this version PeteRandall


I am Jade, a 19 year old sophomore in college. I have recently completed, copy written, and had professionally edited my first novel, Trouble.
jadzjewels11/8/2012 Be the first to review this version JadeHarvey

Bryony Sawyer

Bryony Sawyer9/12/2012 Be the first to review this version


I have a BA in Archaeology from California State University, Monterey Bay. I'm currently working toward a MA in Museum Professions from Seton Hall University.
Esther3/15/2013 Be the first to review this version

Kelly Smith

Tea lover, quilter, cheesecake expert, watercolor painting newbie. Loves to travel and try new things.
Kelly Smith10/1/2012 Be the first to review this version KellySmith