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Let's Take a Survey.
Mimi Speike
Posted: Friday, March 27, 2015 6:45 PM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

I see so many new names here. I'm wondering what you like to read, and what you write, in general. What kind of mix do we have?
Amber Wolfe
Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2015 2:23 AM

Well, I'm not necessarily 'new' here anymore, but I guess I'll contribute


What I like to read:


Romance--the grittier and steamier, the better. Fantasy, specifically Traditional and Dark. Combine both Genres in a perfect blend and I'm in heaven.


What I write:


My favorite Genre to write in is Fantasy--Most of the stories swirling about in my mind are Fantasy. Romance seems to have taken a backseat to Fantasy. But I do have some ideas for some Fantasy Romance novels--I want to finish my Dark Destinies Trilogy before focusing on any of the other stories I have listed for future reference.


So there. That's my reading and writing preferences



Mimi Speike
Posted: Sunday, March 29, 2015 11:40 PM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

I read a wide range of things, from history to mainstream fiction, anything that catches my eye. My writing I put into a genre all its own: Literary-ish Smart-Ass Animals In Pants.


OK, people. Top that.

--edited by Mimi Speike on 3/29/2015, 11:42 PM--

Carlos Duval
Posted: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:24 PM
Joined: 6/16/2015
Posts: 3

Hello Mimi. I've recently joined. I'm Peter McGeehan (Carlos Duval) Horwich. England. My only published novel is a fictional romantic autobiography. I have also self published a number of peotry/short story books.
I like to read non-fiction history mainly. I intend to read a lot more novels via 'Book Country' in order to give feedback to other wroters. I am generally regarded as a motivator having spent much of my working life as a trainer'tutor. Please accept my best wishes from over the pond.

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:49 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Great idea, Mimi, and welcome, Carlos!


I like to read fiction (especially historical, literary, and women's fiction), memoir, and narrative nonfiction.


Right now I am writing 2 WIPs, both of which are most likely to be categorized as women's fiction.

Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2015 3:46 PM
Joined: 7/21/2015
Posts: 92

I used to only read Fantasy.  Best if it had a talking or mind-linked animal (ala Pern), but magic would do, any setting.  I still read a lot of Fantasy.


I have branched out to Sci-Fi thanks to my friend suggesting I read the Liaden books (damn his eyes).


I also read the random fiction like Gone Girl or Lovely Bones or more some mystery/crime books but not too much of those.


My guilty pleasures are historical romance and erotica



I used to write a lot of Fantasy, then took a break and came back to write very seriously in the Supernatural field.  I don’t think it’s really paranormal-romance because I’ve read some of those and mine is definitely not that.  I’m not quite sure where mine lands—somewhere between Twilight, Dresden Files and Fight Club—without Vampires, Werewolves  or Zombies and a lot more cooking. LOL.


Andy Getch
Posted: Sunday, July 26, 2015 11:41 PM
Joined: 6/15/2015
Posts: 16

I am reading and writing mostly non-fiction. 


Reading books on art, music, writing, and personal development. I have been reading some fiction as well. Ray Bradbury short story compilations. A Leonard Cohen novel. Was taking the James Patterson video course and the Maximum Ride and The Zoo stories were examples. The story ideas were appealing to me and I started them both, but I put it down Maximum Ride about half-way through and The Zoo after a couple of chapters of head-hopping. One compelling recent fiction read was Jennifer Egan - Visit From The Goon Squad. Well-written and I really liked the music business setting /backstory.


The idea of writing fiction is appealing, maybe short stories someday after finishing the current book.


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