Results by Literary Category

... With Fortune and Men's Eyes ...

A strange, eventful history of our time...
25 years ago, a group of heroes saved the world and changed it forever. Now, intrepid reporter Kat Regan and her cameraman, Poe, attempt to reassemble the membe
R P Steeves11/23/2011


Wounded Women
Tine was a mulatto women who had a hard time being herself. She was born in a share croppers in 1935. She different from the rest of her siblings. She was giv
by Audrey Ophelia1/20/2014


Johnny is a teenage boy with a problem, and a somewhat unique solution.
Darrell Pestana9/4/2013

"Death Cry" They are listening

Long have you been cruel to animals:it's pay back time!
Through the course of evolution, humans have come to dominate and tyrannize every creature that shares space with him on Earth. The law of nature states that on
RickEliasAuthor5/10/2012 Be the first to review this version