Joined: 2/8/2013 Posts: 14
Has there ever been a sex scene that was so intens you had to walk away from your computer or set down the book for a few minutes?
Discribe your beat red experince
Joined: 6/18/2012 Posts: 228
Yes. I find myself having to get up and walk around after writing any intense scene, whether it's sex or a fight or even a moment of resolution.
How about you? Are you going to upload something juicy for us to read?
Joined: 3/14/2011 Posts: 226
Um...is it bad that I haven't? At least not with a sex scene. I guess it speaks to my dirty mind. *wicked grin*
I have had to walk away or set down a book for an intensely emotional scene. Anything that makes me cry or angry (usually situations of injustice, like no one listening to the MC when s/he is right, or treating the MC poorly/abuse) is fair game to get put down and given distance.
Joined: 2/8/2013 Posts: 14
LOL, maybe one day I will Miss Brandi at first I had to set them down for a few seconds and let the heat seep away from my face but like you miss Noelle, there has been times I wanted to chuck the book across the room because of the MCs thoughts or what is happening to the MC. But I love it when the emotion is so great and the words radiate the emotion so well that I do cry and get mad I think it makes it a amazing book.
Joined: 6/26/2013 Posts: 3
Yes, that happened a few times in my novel. The scenes were so intense, I had to step back and take a few breaths myself.
Joined: 1/22/2013 Posts: 17
Don't ever step back. Use the intensity to overwrite, then shave it down later.
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 412
never on a published book. A fake Harry Potter book seven I read while waiting for the real thing had a VERY emotionally charged sex scene that did it to me, and a few online serial novels have had erotica that has been DAMN hot.
Joined: 7/29/2013 Posts: 1
I've been training myself to write more and more lurid passages, but I find I get all hot and bothered as I'm doing it. That's not bad, at least I'm convincing myself, but I find that it's made it almost impossible for me to write outside of my home -- like in Starbucks, or on a nice cafe patio in summer. I'm embarrassed to let my imagination go to the depths it wants to go if there are other people around. Too bad, because I don't want to confine myself to my home. I get cabin fever as it is, in winter.
--edited by Aphra B. on 7/29/2013, 6:49 PM--
Joined: 10/20/2011 Posts: 350
I did have to walk away recently, but not because I was hot and bothered but because I was getting a bit sick. My heroine is cornered by a lustful soldier and he pins her against a wall.
Joined: 2/22/2013 Posts: 1
I don't usually walk away, lest I lose momentum. But I frequently have to shed layers or open a window if I'm writing a steamy sex scene
Joined: 11/27/2013 Posts: 4
I usually start to get all flustered and giggly. I find porn hilarious but at the same time it is a great turn on. I never walk away, just plow through it and reread it later to make sure it still gives me the same sensation as the first time I wrote it. If it does I keep and tweak it...if not, delete it and tweak it.
Joined: 12/3/2015 Posts: 4
Yes it happens to me frequently and not just while I'm writing it, but also when I'm planning the scene in my mind! It's not a bad thing! As writers of erotica who want our readers to moved, or perhaps motivated, by our words, it's perhaps only right that we ourselves are as affected as we want them to be. At least that's how I like to think about it