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Friday Accountability Group
Amber Wolfe
Posted: Monday, May 25, 2015 8:23 PM

Great, Noelle--I'm certain you'll buckle down and get it done


What about you, Lucy? How's your writing going?

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:08 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Things are going pretty well in terms of habit formation for me!


I also got some extra writing done this weekend--I took a train trip to visit family. Sometimes I feel awkward writing on a train or a plane (the stranger next to me looking over my shoulder . . . ) but I had a big empty seat this time, and was highly caffeinated, and that worked well.


Once I was trying to write a complete first draft in time for a self-imposed deadline. So I took out the novel outline and a calendar, and tried to make chapter milestones for every 2 weeks. This did not work for me, but I have to say it is probably because I was not at all realistic about how much free time (and motivation) I had. I could see myself trying this method again. Right now, I am just trying to get into a daily writing habit and am actively trying to avoid psyching myself out with word count goals, deadlines, etc. But I have a feeling that eventually I am going to need to put more parameters around the work I am doing, so that I have more direction.

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:09 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Also . . . Florida? Beaches? Sun and sand?? I am jealous.


2k seems like a lot to me--rock on, Noelle!

Posted: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:42 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

I try to write on planes, but I'm too cramped. A train, however...I could get on board with that. Amtrak offers writer residences (and some for free), thanks to someone tweeting about wanting it. I would love to try that. A friend of mine and I keep talking about a cruise, too. No excursions, just writing and sunning. It would be ideal, if I could get away from the kids (including the big one). *grin*


I managed 500 last night, but it was a long day so by the time I sat down, any caffeine I'd had was gone and my eyes dried out (no AC, so lots of fans going). However, I'm writing now, while I wait at my brother's house for the A/C guy to finish up. Then we'll go visit with my dad for a couple hours, and then I may write some more. I brought the Wii and the kids' 3DSs, so I should have plenty of down time to write. I may even clear 3k a day... Off to start now!


(Lucy, I'll post pics if/when we actually get to a beach!)





Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Friday, May 29, 2015 11:43 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

How are you 2 doing?


I'm doing okay. Averaging about 450 words/day, which isn't crazy but it's something!

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Friday, May 29, 2015 12:40 PM

Didn't write yesterday. Or the day before


I've been having a sort of 'mini' vacation from stress at home by staying at my other grandmother's. I'm planning to reread the three chapters I wrote the last week and hopefully build on my word count today. I mainly didn't write those two days because I was mentally exhausted. BUT I'm not letting this stop me today.


How about you, Noelle?

Posted: Saturday, May 30, 2015 10:02 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Sigh. I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped while I'm here. By the time I get the kids to bed (which is later than normal, thanks to my lack of routine here), I'm exhausted and can't write much. I've been getting sucked into Facebook posts and before I know it, an hour has gone by and I need sleep.


Yesterday, I managed 560 words, and tonight I'm trying to write again. #1k1hr, and #writeordie may be my saving graces tonight...

Mimi Speike
Posted: Saturday, May 30, 2015 11:01 PM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

I've never been one for accountability, but, what the hell. 


I can't just write, zip, zip, done. Most everything in my tale requires research. So nearly every page represents a lot of Google-time, not just keyboard-time. I'm trying to finish a scene tonight in which Sly explains to his bodyguards the anti-fleshly-pleasures stance of the Presbyterians, his brother Bert's understanding of them in particular. (Bear in mind that they are cats.) I'm tracking down the fire-breathing Puritan sermons, and finding marvelous stuff. (My cats are sixteenth century cats.) If I can get this bit groomed to my satisfaction by the end of the weekend, I will be very proud of myself. 


Google! How did we get along without it? The blowback will be, I'll have to put up with ads on YouTube selling videos of Bible stories. It can't be any worse than when I looked up sightings of the Virgin Mary. On and on and on, for weeks. I still get one every now and then. 


--edited by Mimi Speike on 5/31/2015, 2:05 PM--

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 1:51 PM
This is a little late, but I'm rooting for you, Mimi!
Amber Wolfe
Posted: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 3:40 PM

Well, I know it's not Friday, but meh.


I haven't written anything new since last Wednesday--gasp! Nooooooooo!


BUT I have a valid reason: I was reading through my latest draft--all 102,000 words of it, which took me seven days--to make certain each chapter sounded and read right. Aside from a few restructured sentences, some omitting of unnecessary info, and some adding, I found the story didn't require significant overhaul. I have a list of overused words I'm going to be addressing in a final edit, once the entire manuscript is written


So yeah, if all goes as planned, by the end of summer Destiny's Bond will be written in its entirety, and I can start focusing on Bound by Destiny, the second volume in the Trilogy.


That'll be a joy. Took me five years to get the first novel written. Hopefully the second one won't take as long, now that I've seriously buckled down.


I'm thinking of taking a break from the Dark Destinies Trilogy after Destiny's Bond is finished, though--I have a few other stories roiling around in my head that I want to write--mostly standalone titles. I'm thinking I'd like to publish a few standalones so publishers and agents will be more open to my series--It's been said that publishers are wary of series written by untested authors.


NOT that I'm giving up on the Dark Destinies Trilogy. Oh, no. I've put too much sweat, heartache, and tears into this story for it to become a 'desk drawer' manuscript. I'll be going back-and-forth between stories, depending upon my mood and such.


Huh. Went on a little rant there, didn't I? Sorry 'bout that embarrassed



--edited by Amber Wolfe on 6/3/2015, 3:42 PM--

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 4:46 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Amber, I love this idea of making a list of overused words. Did you just jot them down as you read?
Posted: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 4:46 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Mimi, I know how you feel! I'm writing a historical right now, and with EVERY word choice, I need to make sure it's not anachronistic. For example, the use of spring-loaded door knobs weren't in use until the later 1800s, and my story takes place in 1820. Google--maps and general research--is my best friend.


Amber, I'm with you there! Sometimes you have to walk away from a series and work on something different (says the woman with umpteen gazillion first drafts and few "finished" drafts...).


I've been doing okay in terms of word count, but still at my roughly 500 per day. Yesterday, though, I managed 1300, so I'm happy. And now I'm doing some editing (I think--have to check my index cards/plot to be sure), rather than writing. 



Amber Wolfe
Posted: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 10:05 PM

Hey, Lucy


Well, I have to write down my newest list of overused words: from, waft, slump, and straighten. From is the easiest word to exchange, depending upon the sentence. Waft can be turned into drift, float, etc. Slump into slouch, hunch, sag, and so forth. Straighten is the one I'm going to have the hardest time on--my thesaurus is so old, it doesn't list a useable synonym for straighten. Ugh.


To answer your question--Yes, I do write down the overused words as I write. Normally, if I notice a word is popping up a lot throughout my manuscript, I jot it down in a separate Word document to go through later.


In case you're interested, here's a list of other words I look out for in rewrites:
























Long list, ain't it? Those are my pet words. I'm more lenient on some of them than others


@Noelle: Thanks for the support. I have every intention of continuing with the Dark Destinies Trilogy--I just want to try expanding on some other story ideas I've got jangling around in my head.


Hope your schedule continues to work for you.



Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Thursday, June 4, 2015 11:18 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Amber, I love this! You are such a rock star! Ambition and clear plans for follow through. Inspiring!


I also find your list of words fascinating. I love that "feral" is one you are seeing more than once!

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Thursday, June 4, 2015 2:34 PM
Thanks, Lucy
Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Friday, June 5, 2015 11:08 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Oy. Struggling this week to keep up the daily writing habit. I've had family in town, lunches and dinners to attend, and it's been busy at work, so I feel like my free time is spent recovering or running from place to place. I only wrote on three weekdays this week.


That said, I usually only write about 450 words, but this week the few times I have written it has been 800-900.


In other news, I realized I need to completely rewrite the first chapter . . . confused

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Friday, June 5, 2015 8:38 PM

Well, you guys know how my week's gone--nothing new written since last Wednesday. I've been mostly editing and tweaking. Yesterday, though . . . I don't have an excuse for yesterday. Lack of motivation? Mental exhaustion?


Yeah. Let's go with mental exhaustion.


@Lucy: Have to rewrite the first chapter, huh? Is it because it doesn't go right with the rest of the story?


I say cheer up--at least you're not rewriting the entire book. Like I had to do . . . three/four times. Which meant rewriting 120,000 words of plot. Over and over


Really though, I'm praying your rewrite goes well. If it makes you feel better, I had to rewrite the first chapter of Destiny's Bond three times this last draft before I thought 'Yup, this works'. In the end, once you have that 'perfect' first chapter, the rewriting will all be worth it.



Posted: Friday, June 5, 2015 10:37 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226


I can't see what I'm typing. Huh. My tablet is giving me a blue screen when I try to type something, so I hope this is readable. 


Anyway, Iwrote by hand yesterday, thanks to shower muse. Ilove getting ideas in the shower. I'm finally on a roll again, Ihope. At least for this sexy scene. We'll see after that. 


Iapologize in advance if this post is totally unreadable. I'll edit it when Iget a chance at my computer again.


In the meantime, keep writing!!



--edited by NoellePierce on 6/5/2015, 10:39 PM--

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:34 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

@Noelle--your post did come through! The shower muse, huh?


I've fallen off the wagon. Only wrote on 2 weekdays this week. I am resolving to pick myself up and get back to writing ASAP!


It's so muggy in NYC that I have a feeling holing up in an airconditioned room with my laptop will sound nice this weekend . . .

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:43 PM

Hi, all


Well, as you know, last week I didn't get a spec of new writing done. This past week, I'd like to think I've made up for it--my word count these days has roughly been between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Last night, I even burped out an entire 3,000 words. Yay!


How about you, Noelle? How's the writing going?

Posted: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:32 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

My writing is not going so well...lots to do in regular life (in-laws get her today, so cleaning most of the week, plus conference planning for October, puppy training, and kids home for summer). By the time I get a moment to myself at night, I'm exhausted. BUT, I plot and plan while I clean. I wish I could get the hang of those dictation programs, but I tend to go back and rethink sentences as I go, so I'm not sure it would be useful for me. I know what needs to be written in the next few scenes, but I need to actually sit down and do it without falling asleep at the keyboard.  


@Lucy - yes! Shower muse! It's not very green, and probably makes our water bills a lot higher than Mr. Pierce would like, but it works like a charm. When I'm blocked, hot, running water unblocks me. Like Dran-o.  

Dave Pearce
Posted: Sunday, June 14, 2015 1:08 AM
Joined: 12/21/2014
Posts: 7

You folks are an inspiration with your dedication. I need to get back into the habit of daily writing. It's just so hard when work saps everything out of you during the week. I need to do more than write the occasional flash fiction or short story on the weekends.  Need to start a new novel while I query the old one.



Amber Wolfe
Posted: Sunday, June 14, 2015 3:16 PM

@Dave Pearce: You're most welcome, Dave


Feel free to post your writing progress here on Fridays--or any day you feel the urge to--and we'll be ready to cheer you on.



Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:44 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

@Dave, I second what Amber said!
Charles J. Barone
Posted: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:38 PM
Joined: 7/18/2014
Posts: 121

Since March, I've been unable to do any writing due to a family emergency - death of my wife's father. We're in Maine and were planning to start for home June 21 when we received word that another elderly relative isn't expected to live.


I've opened my word processor a number of times in the past month, since things have returned somewhat close to normal here. I've stared at it and thought it would be nice to begin writing again, only to have nothing come to me. I think the problem is, I haven't a 'place' to write - somewhere I can sit undisturbed. And, I don't really want to start something only to have to put it aside for the week of travel we're facing, plus the time necessary to get our house and yard back in shape once we're home, after being gone over 3 months.


Now, the departure date has been moved to just after 4th of July. It's still open, however, depending on the situation with my wife's elderly relative.

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:42 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Hi Charles--I am so sorry to hear that another relative is ill. I know you've been dealing with the aftermath of the other death for a while now. My condolences--I know that's always a hard and strange time.


The inspiration for the Friday Accountability Group on Book Country came from Gretchen Rubin's excellent book Better Than Before. I think I remember that the book had a lot of good information about when the best time to create a new habit is. I have a feeling that the week before you drive cross country is not the best time for habit formation.


I wonder, however, if there's a way you could tend to your project during this flux. Maybe just the travel itself will be a time of meditation on the project--I know that for me, time on the road often leads to some writerly inspiration!


Let us know how you're doing, and hope to hear more news from you soon!

Posted: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 2:04 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Hi Dave and Charles! Welcome! 


Charles - sorry to hear about your loss and illness in your family. I stopped writing for a while when my dad was in the hospital for two months, but it did come back. A new environment was key--once I'd associated the hospital and dad's house with not writing, it's been nearly impossible to find my muse in those places. I was just there for two weeks last month and couldn't write if I'd had a gun to my head when I was sitting in my dad's house. Psychological conditioning is pretty tough to break.


Speaking of...I'm home and at my computer now, so I'd best get writing while my kids are zombified with the TV.




Amber Wolfe
Posted: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:28 PM



Today's Friday, which means I must be held accountable. This week, I've missed three days of writing--terrible, I know. Most of those three days were spent reading novels I'd checked out from the library, rather than writing my own novel (For disclosure, I joined the Library's Summer Reading Club, and if I read a minimum of 4,000 pages, I could win a prize, so yeah . . . That's a nice incentive. Not that I need one).


Other than that, I've done good--Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and I'm thinking Tuesday were fruitful, at least. I'm praying I'll have enough energy to write more of Destiny's Bond today.


On the other side, I'm getting closer and closer to finishing Destiny's Bond. By November, it should be written in its entirety. Or maybe sooner than that. I'm not certain yet.


@Noelle: I uploaded my newest draft of Destiny's Bond, so this is just another reminder: SAVE ANYTHING YOU'VE WRITTEN INTO A WORD DOCUMENT ON YOUR COMPUTER BEFORE GOING ON TO THE NEWEST DRAFT!!!!!! . . . . I know you said you haven't written anything yet, but I just wanted to be thoroughly thorough tongueout


How is your writing going, my fellow accountability friends?

--edited by Amber Wolfe on 6/19/2015, 3:29 PM--

Posted: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 3:13 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Did I not check in on Friday? Sigh. Well, last week sucked. BUT, the kids are in summer camp this week, so *muppet flail* Now I'm writing. Not too much (and certainly not enough), but so far, we've managed 1000 yesterday, and 500 so far today. Hopefully, I'll get into my groove soon. I have a lot of writing to do.


Gotta run and get back to it. I'll check in a little later.



Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 4:49 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

I forgot to post as well. On Sunday, however I had a fun time doing Amber's Character Sheet for one of my MCs. It brought up soooo many questions for me--which really showed me how much more I need to do to develop this character! I highly recommend this writing exercise for anyone who's gotten feedback on this issue.


So glad to hear about all the progress everyone is making!

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Friday, June 26, 2015 7:42 PM

Ugh. I've been really sliding on my word count. I'm thinking about a week and a half has gone by without so much as a tiny sentence being tapped into Destiny's Bond. Fortunately, last night I gave myself a solid mental kick in the rear and wrote a good 500 words. Today, I managed to squeeze out another 200, but it's been hard. Doesn't seem like anything I write down sounds right.


I don't know. Maybe I have the dreaded Writer's Block. I think I need to clobber away at the wall until it breaks.


Jeez, that'll be fun.


How are my fellow writers doing?

Mimi Speike
Posted: Friday, June 26, 2015 8:53 PM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

Well, I'm screwing around with my (sort of/for now) finished novella. I'm going to upload the latest version this weekend. I have a new short final chapter answering a question my editor brought up. The title is: Sheesh! I can't believe I have to explain this. (But, apparently, I do.)


--edited by Mimi Speike on 6/27/2015, 12:54 AM--

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Monday, June 29, 2015 8:53 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Oy. I am sliding, too. I thought I could make up for my lack of word count last week by writing on a bus trip this weekend, but as soon as I got on the bus I knew that I was going to throw up if I tried to look at my computer (or a book, or a phone, or anything besides the window!). So instead I listened to an audiobook and was completely unproductive.


It's a new week, though--time for a reset! Happy Monday!

Posted: Monday, June 29, 2015 10:24 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Hey guys! I can't for the life of me remember to check in when I'm sitting at my computer on Fridays (and I'm rarely at my computer on the weekends). 


I've been doing okay. Writing every day, but not a huge word count. However, on Saturday, in the shower (naturally), I had a huge scene/plot breakthrough and figured out that I need to combine two scenes into one and shift the timeline back, so I handwrote some things while driving to dinner and am going to type the scenes today. I'm very excited! 


Hope you all have a great (and productive) week!






Posted: Thursday, July 2, 2015 8:31 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

I'm getting this in early because the family are all home tomorrow and writing probably won't happen. I've written most days this week, though my average is still about 700 words (and about 2500 words short of what I *need* to have each weekday). However, I've abandoned the scene that had me stuck for a week and started writing other scenes as I see them in my head. My heroine (Regency era, for those of you interested in which story I'm working on) just announced to me that she sneaked out to the dueling field against her husband's wishes, but to do so, she disguised herself as a coachman. I had NO idea she was going to get that feisty yet. I mean, I knew it was coming soon, but she jumped the gun, so to speak. Anyway, I'm having fun writing it and trying not to think about the scenes in between that still need to be written to make it a complete story.  


How has your week been going?



Amber Wolfe
Posted: Friday, July 3, 2015 5:32 PM

Ugh. Haven't written hardly anything this week . . . or last week.


Been having some family issues right now. I'm thinking the mental fatigue has kept me away from the keyboard. I wake up tired and the idea of sitting at my laptop is a bit draining at the moment. I'm praying I'll get out of this funk soon.


What about you, Lucy?

Posted: Friday, July 3, 2015 6:59 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Hey Amber,

I hope everything is okay with you. *hugs* Family issues can really take a toll on our creativity.


Update: I managed to write 2000 words by the time I went to bed yesterday. Yay!!

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Saturday, July 4, 2015 12:06 PM

It's nothing I can't handle, Noelle, rest assured.


And congratulations on the word count! I'm glad one of us is getting some writing done

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Saturday, July 4, 2015 3:55 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Happy Fourth of July!


I meant to post yesterday, as I felt fantastic about having written 1100 words. And just now, I wrote almost 2k! I'm feeling great. And now I know I will relax and feel good about spending time away from the WIP tonight to watch some fireworks.


Man, family issues are the worst. They definitely make me feel the opposite of creative. But it does sometimes feel good to escape into writing when there is a lot of dramz IRL. I hope you are doing, okay, Amber!

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Saturday, July 4, 2015 7:57 PM

Thanks for that, Lucy. I'm thinking another reason I've had trouble writing is the scene I'm working on. I've--just now--come to the conclusion that I need to switch POV characters earlier in the scene, rather than drag on with the same character.


I started with the chop/rewriting process on the scene today, and hope to write some more tomorrow, energy willing. I haven't written a lot, but it's a start.



--edited by Amber Wolfe on 7/4/2015, 7:58 PM--

Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Friday, July 10, 2015 12:18 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

I've been eeking out some words every day this week . . . somehow! Planning on doing a bunch of writing tomorrow on my train ride to visit my niece.


How's everyone else doing? Any breakthroughs?

Amber J. Wolfe
Posted: Friday, July 10, 2015 12:51 PM

I've managed to squeeze out 1,000 words on Wednesday, then another 1,500 words on Thursday. I'm still chewing through the chapter that's been giving me a heck of a time, but I'm praying that, when I revise, it'll start to glisten. In a good way.


Arashi's not being helpful, either. Neither is Karissa. At least, not in the last 3 pages of the chapter. I'm going to have to rewrite those pages. Again. Today.


However, Nixie, my joyful/temperamental/goofy/shiny-loving pixie, has made the scene one I can chuckle at, despite the hardships I'm having with it. Leave it to her to take a stressful situation and exasperate the other characters to no end. I adore my loveable goofball.


Since my Dad is my First Reader--I know, family and friends shouldn't be a first reader, but those are the options I have to work with--he'll be reading those chapters today, and I want to get this last chapter written and polished before he does. I have a kind of idea how to fix those last pages, so hopefully it'll work out.


What about you, Noelle? Get any writing done?


Amber J. Wolfe

Posted: Saturday, July 11, 2015 11:08 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

I have been trying, but unsuccessfully, to write. The big problem shutting me down right now is that my grandmother passed and I'm in Wisconsin for the week, trying to help my mom and aunts clear out Gram's apartment. The first few days' sadness made it easy to write, actually, because I could channel that into writing my black moment scenes (about 1500-2000 words those few days). However, I haven't had much time since, and the scenes aren't exactly shouting at me anymore. So...I will give it a day or two and try again when I'm back home and the kids are in summer camp. 



Amber J. Wolfe
Posted: Sunday, July 12, 2015 8:30 PM

@Noelle, so, so sorry to hear about your grandmother. That's really tough.


I'm offering up a cyber hug here. Hope you receive it.



Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Monday, July 13, 2015 1:44 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Hi Noelle--I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Condolences from NYC and let us know if you need extra encouragement or anything else that we can do here on Book Country!



Posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 9:01 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Thanks, guys. I'm hoping I'll be able to continue channeling emotions into the writing (that's where I fall short, normally). 


Will write this week. I must. Novel due at the end of the month...



Posted: Friday, July 17, 2015 11:49 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Ugh. Okay, so Tuesday was a catch-up-on-sleep-after-driving-18-hours-on-Monday kind of day. Wednesday I managed 1000, and Thursday I got about 500 to finish a scene. Today, I'm sitting down, but my goal is 2k. More if I can swing it. Phones and internet are getting turned off, dammit. Too many distractions.


Hope you guys had a good week.



Lucy Silag - Book Country Director
Posted: Friday, July 17, 2015 12:02 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Great job, Noelle! Good luck with the 2K today!


I'm writing to you from Seattle, where I am visiting PNWA (along with BC member Andrea Dunlop!). Excited to be here, but it means that NO writing has gotten done this week, apart from a little bit (~300 words) on Monday. Oy!

Amber J. Wolfe
Posted: Friday, July 17, 2015 1:06 PM

I've written little this week--other things on my mind, etc. However, I'm determined to buckle down and *hopefully* finish Destiny's Bond by or before August 16th.


Right now Hodderscape, an imprint of Hodder & Stoughon, who publishes Horror, Fantasy, Speculative, and Science Fiction, is having Open Submissions for new authors from August 3rd to August 16. Your manuscript doesn't have to be fully written to submit--they're even open to unfinished Trilogies, which Destiny's Bond is.


I figure I have nothing to lose by grabbing the opportunity. I mean, if I'm rejected, at least I gave it a try. If I'm accepted, I'll be working with a Publisher who has Stephen King as one of their authors. That'd be awesome.


I've done research on them--Predators & Editors didn't have them listed, so I couldn't see the recommendations. SFWA didn't have them listed, either. Writers Beware's Thumbs Down Publisher list didn't have them down. And to be extra careful, I binged Hodderscape scam/complaints to see what would come up. Which was nothing. So that's good.


I plan to polish the chapters I'm to submit--which is the first 3 or the first 15,000 words, my choice--then I'll focus on finishing the manuscript. Based on the feedback I've gotten on Book Country by a few avid fantasy readers, Destiny's Bond is good enough to be published. Those who've said so have read Destiny's Bond to the last chapter I have uploaded.


Of course, I'm not letting the opinions go to my head. I just want to seize an opportunity that won't be around again, is all. If I'm not accepted, so be it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, though.



Posted: Friday, July 17, 2015 9:46 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Lucy, enjoy Seattle!! 


Amber, good luck! 


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