Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
I'm going to be a vampire bride. 
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
I won't dress up, I'll be working my night shift.
At a job twenty years ago, we were encouraged to dress up, and we had a costume contest. I convinced my small five-person department to dress as a living room suite. And I put together the costumes. One person was an overstuffed chair, one was a floor lamp, I was a TV sitting on top of a TV table. I stuck my hands through the tablecloth-draped cardboard table top into a cardboard box TV, I had created puppets, and had written a TV-show skit, can't quite recall what it was but I do remember it involved a palm tree and animals in hula skirts. When I get an idea, I run it into the ground. But you know that already.
We won a box of chocolates. The grand prize, a day off with pay, went to a lady in an ambulating shower stall. The metal hoop curtain support and silly fish bedecked curtain, yarn water coming out of a fixture (her husband was a plumber), a tape deck playing Splish-splash I Was Taking a Bath. Her outfit was cute but we had them all beat hands-down for zany.
Just before showtime, the shower lady went into the restroom and doused her hair in the sink. Very effective.
--edited by Mimi Speike on 10/29/2015, 12:39 AM--
Joined: 3/16/2011 Posts: 279
I will be going as Kim Davis. 
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
Marvelous! You should have a costumed nurse in attendance, trying to get you into a strait jacket that says: Institutionalized for Raucous-Religious-Derangement-Syndrome. Or some such.
Joined: 7/21/2015 Posts: 92
Spending the day at the Comicbook shop as a Ghostbuster
Oh yeah! Good times!
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
@Lucy. I bet you're going to be a beautiful vampire bride. Don't forget something old, something new, something bloody, and something blue. (Your skin, perhaps.)