lol. Well the scenes I write first are the ones that just come to me. They're the ones that keep me up at night, the ones that make me cry and laugh and really feel emotion. So I just word-barf em up and then I go back and add more detail to them while filling in what happens between the scenes For example (You don't have to read the whole thing or critique it) this is draft 1 of part of book three.:
Section 2
father burst into my room, his face beet red. “What happened!?” he roared.
fell over in my chair, dropping the book I was reading. “What happened when?” I
did you do at the meeting with Ashland and Ganar?”
struggled to sit up. “Well we talked about the future, I told them about the
Great Creator, I displayed my powers and I told them about all the new
creatures that were being discovered.”
did what?”
my powers,” I repeated.
would you do that? We are trying to get them to understand us! I thought you
were old enough and smart enough but I guess I was wrong!” “What happened?” “We have two armies at our
door waiting to destroy us monsters!”
don’t understand, they struck a peace deal,” I stammered.
was a rouse! A fake!”
Section 3
Changed,” I said, holding *****
he asked shocked.
are not the same person I fell in love with.”
eyes flashed with that chaotic anger. “What are you saying?”
saying that I’m leaving.” He laughed bitterly. “Yeah?
And go where? Hm? Back to that pathetic little thing you call a house that is
probably over grown with weeds?”
I said simply.
“Then go!” I said simply. Please
She nodded and began to walk up to
her room. She was really going to do it! She wasn’t bluffing! I wasn’t going to
let her get away with this! I stood in her path and said, “Where do you think
you are going?”
“To get my things,” she replied.
“No, everything you have, I gave
you. You are to change out of those clothes and into the ones you came here
“You can’t be serious,” she scoffed.
“Oh I am dead serious….or you could
always stay.”
She shook her head and turned her
back to me. I heard quiet sobs begin to come from her. She brought this on
herself. I turned and walked away.
I made my way down to the dungeon.
“*****!” I barked.
“Yes sir?” he asked hesitantly.
I scanned the room full of prisoners
cowering in their cells. A girl who looked to be in her late 20’s was holding
the hand of an old man with a scraggly beard. “Her,” I said pointing to the
She clasped a hand over her mouth to
muffle a scream. “Please no!” the old man begged.
***** gave me a questioning look.
“Go!” I ordered.
He went and unlocked the cell door.
He dragged the girl our and presented her to me.
“Please don’t kill my daughter!” The
man yelled throwing himself against the bars if his cell.
I grabbed her by the shoulders and
turned her to face him. “This, you
can blame your king for this!”
“I love you,” the girl said to her
“I love you too,” he said back.
I took out my knife and stabbed her
in the side. She let out a cry. I twisted the knife and she fell to the floor
unconscious. The blood pooled at my feet. She wasn’t dead yet but she would be
I turned to **** and said, “Clean
this up!”
I put **** in her crib while I
changed back into my peasants clothes. They were a bit small on me but I didn’t
have a choice. I had to get out of this madhouse!
Once I was dressed I wrapped *****
in my apron and snuck out the back to avoid any contact with the king.
I made my way through the town I
once knew so well. People sat in the dirt begging, dying, alone hopeless. He
was so consumed with revenge he neglected his own people!
Keeping ***** close I ventured down
the familiar path to my old house. Upon arrival I realized he was right. It was
overgrown with weeds. Balancing **** in one arm, I pulled away the vines in
front of the door and entered. Everything was so dusty. I coughed as I inhaled.
This was no place to raise a child.
I gently put **** on the small cot
and began cleaning up as best I could. My heart ached. I looked at my hand and
saw that it was starting to decompose.
I was turning into a zombie. I
sighed and kept cleaning the best I could. My hand eventually fell off as the
rest of me began to decompose. One of my eyeballs popped out of it’s sockets
and dangled by a tendon. Typical.
This made cleaning very difficult. I
let out a groan as I sat down. My head tumbled to the floor and my body slumped
to the side. Great.
***** began to cry. She needed her
mother. I tried to tell her everything was ok but all that came out was a
prolonged zombie moan.
Get it together. I had to set my
feelings aside for *****. She was going to die if I didn’t stop dying. I
couldn’t even cry in my zombie state.
“Just feel,” I told myself, “Feel
something! Anything!”
And then an emotion sprung up in me.
Worry for my daughter. My hand leapt up and re-attached itself.
Ok good. As my worry for my daughter
grew so did my determination to do something about it. My head rolled, making
me very dizzy and I felt the skin growing back.
Before I knew it, I was whole, pink
and fleshy again. I rushed to **** and picked her up.
Section 4
I sat on my bed, images of what had
taken place during the day ran through my head. The girls dying scream, the old
man crying for his daughter. The king has gotten out of control.
I pulled back the sheets and laid
down. As I was beginning to drift off to sleep a light filled the room. I
opened my eyes to see a person in my room with a glow around them. They had big
white wings like a bird and blonde poufly bangs. She was clearly a she, wearing
a grey shirt and a fur lined vest with black…pants! A woman wearing pants? I
looked at her confused. “Who are you?” I asked.
“Hi,” she said, “I’m Elsie. The
Great Creator sent me. He has something you need to do.”
“Anything!” I said.
“Well um this is kinda weird but you
just gotta go with me on this! You need to kill Edric. It’s ok because The
Great Creator signed off on it so you’re in the clear. You won’t get in trouble
or anything.”
I nodded. “I will.”
She disappeared and I was in
darkness again.
I fumbled around for my sword and
quietly made my way to Edrics room. I opened his door. He was in bed, snoring.
I slowly walked over to him and before he even had a chance to wake up I
stabbed him in the heart with my sword.
His eyes snapped open and for a
moment I thought he was alive but he lay there still.
I quickly took out my sword and ran
out of the room.
Section 5
I looked around my house and tried
to find something to trade when a knock came at the door. I went and opened it.
***** was standing there. “What do you want?” I asked.
“He’s dead,” he replied.
“Edric?” I asked.
“Yes.” “Oh…” my lower lip quivered
and my heart shattered.
“Erenthia needs a ruler.”
I nodded. “Alright,” I said.
I picked up **** and walked out the
door. As we were making our way to the castle I asked, “What happened?”
“I killed him.”
“I understand.”
“May I see him?”
“We buried him”
“May I see his grave?”
“Of course.”
When we got to the castle he led me
to where Edric was buried. I sat down with **** and stared at the grave marker,
a wooden stake in the ground. “Give us a moment?”
“Of course,” **** said backing away.
“You stupid bastard!” I said to the
grave marker, “How could you do this to us? To ****? To your kingdom? To me?
I’m sorry you lost your family but wasn’t I enough? Eric, I loved you!” I
paused, “I still love you…I love who you used to be and that will never change!
So goodbye.”
So that's how I do it. I have chapter 1 written. Now all I have to do is add the detail and fill in the holes if that makes any sense. 