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What are you listening to?
Posted: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:36 PM
Joined: 7/21/2015
Posts: 92

Do you have a soundtrack for particular scene types?  Songs that you put on repeat?  I know that I like heavy metal/punk or hard stuff for my fight scenes and love songs (the cheesier the better) for my romantic scenes.

What about you?  Do you have something you're plugged into that's getting you through?


Amber J. Wolfe
Posted: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:02 PM

Well, I haven't listened to music in a while, but I usually find it helpful to block out unwanted noise from my surroundings.


Normally, I'd choose a playlist that would suit the scene I'm working on--dark songs, upbeat songs, sad songs, to get me in the right mood.

. . .  Great, now I want to listen to music and I don't have any with me. Grumble.