Today is my Book Country birthday, meaning I've been a member of Book Country for an entire year now! How awesome is that?
It certainly doesn't feel like a year has gone by. Despite my growth as a writer and all I've learned during my membership with this encouraging community, it doesn't feel like a year. The months have been flying by fast to me, as I fill my Writer's Toolbox and made amazing writer/reader friends here (Lucy Silag, Marlin55, Vanessa Silva, EB Solace, Carl E. Reed, limichelle33, SMRoffey, Sue Hart, GD Deckard, Janet Umenta, ElenaK, Amanda Kimberley, Mimi Speike, Lisa Hoekstra, Nicholas Kotar, NoellePierce . . . I'm pointing at all of you!)
I wanted to thank all my Connections and friends for the wonderful support you've given me. Because of you guys, I've garnered the courage to keep at my writing, no matter how difficult the terrain I trek. Without Book Country, I doubt I'd be near as efficient at writing fiction as I am now. I've learned so much thanks to this site in the past year, and I'm looking forward to being a part of the community for years to come 
Happy Writing, my fellow writing newbies!
Joined: 7/21/2015 Posts: 92
Congrats on your Book-Birthday!
How are you going to celebrate? It /is/ Friday night afterall! 
Book Country birthday--I haven't had anything published yet, but I'm looking forward to the day I do 
I'm going to celebrate by baking some brownies and binging on them. Chocolaty goodness for my Book Country Birthday.
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
Well, Amber, and all of you, you came to the right place. This is a very comfortable place to be. Great support, great ease of reviews (unlike a site on which you post in increments and have to earn, then pay out, karma points to post - a gigantic pain), you have the capability of publishing here, with technical support. If there are better places to be, I don't know about them. And I don't particularly want to know about them. I'm quite content here.
Hippo Birdie, Amber. (One of my all time favorite birthday cards. Bought a bunch of them twenty-five years ago, have sent them all out. None left, dammit.)
Hippo Birdie was a pictograph: Hippo/Birdie/two ewes, Hippo/Birdie/two ewes, Hippo/Birdie/deer/ewe, HippoBirdie/two ewes. Illustrated with scribbles of the various animals. Words underneath.
By a famous greeting card writer/creator. Can't remember her name. She had another card that I was instantly drawn to. A band of little animals, with a trumpet, drum, tuba, etc. The cover said: Some of us march to the beat of a different drummer. The interior continued: And then there are those of us who are just plain weird.
Loved that one. That one spoke to me.
It speaks to me, too, Mimi 
Wish I could see that card.
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
Maybe you can find it on the web. I have a feeling the writer's name was Pamela Boynton. That name just came to me. I maybe don't have Alzheimers quite yet.
--edited by Mimi Speike on 7/25/2015, 9:31 AM--