Oh, my. Lucy, you might not remember doing this, but I just found a comment you left on GD Deckard's thread Stop and Comment. You wrote:
Hi to everyone on this thread--I think you should all check out Amber Wolfe and her book Destiny's Bond. I started reading this morning--I think it's really good and fantasy fans will really like it, too.
I don't know whether you'll see this post or not, but either way, thank you so much for your praise! And to think it was on the obsolete version, too. I'm blushing.
Destiny's Bond is totally different now, Lucy. I've completely reworked it. The plot has been restructured to better suit the story and so have the characters--I like to think I've fleshed Destiny's character much more and that my writing style has improved.
I know you're busy--managing Book Country and such is a demanding job--but if you ever get the chance, I'd love your opinion on the revised version of my manuscript. I'm hoping you'd enjoy it even more than the first draft I uploaded.
Of course, I'll understand if you don't want to do it--Just thought I'd go on a limb here 
Again, thanks so much for the praise! Even though you posted that comment clear back in October, I wanted to thank you.
Amber --edited by Amber Wolfe on 4/22/2015, 1:47 PM--
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi Amber! So glad you saw my post about your book. Thanks for the nice note!
I am looking forward to returning to Destiny's Bond! I know you have been putting a Herculean amount of work into it. How are you feeling about it?
Hi Lucy 
It's true I've been working really hard on Destiny's Bond. The critiques and reviews I've gotten here have all been very encouraging and helpful while I revise the manuscript.
So far, I like to think the 'new' Destiny's Bond is much improved from the last--everyone who's been reviewing certainly seems to think so. I'm having fun writing it, for sure, and I've gotten great feedback from the members who've been reading it for me. One of them even said that I'd better hurry and finish the book so I can get it published, which boosted my budding writer's confidence to new heights 
Of course, I'm not letting myself get a big head. Until Destiny's Bond is written completely, and unless reviewers enjoy the storyline to its fullest, I'm not kidding myself into believing it's publish material yet. The day I've polished it to the best of my abilities will be my happiest!
So, how am I feeling about it? As a sum up: anxiously hopeful. Tentatively excited.
Oh, and timidly optimistic. 
Amber --edited by Amber Wolfe on 4/23/2015, 5:08 PM--
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Optimistic is good! 