Joined: 7/23/2014 Posts: 159
The box I'm thinking of is America. Roughly speaking, 78% of the world doesn't live here and nearly a billion readers living outside the US read English. Even to a neophyte marketer like me, that suggests two opportunities. One, we need to be sure that our book is available in countries where a significant percent of their population reads English and two, we should place an ad in that country's print media. Both could increase our book sales.
For example, e-books published through Book Country are retailed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Google Books, Kobo, Scribd and on Book Country. These retailers reach throughout the English speaking world.
An ad placed where you would expect to find foreign readers who like your kind of book can reach readers outside the American box. The ad can be small, just big enough to address your target audience and include a link to your book on your retailer's site, or to your own web page.
So I have to ask, does anybody know...
What media, read in English outside the US, might be a good place for American writers to advertise in?
Joined: 9/2/2014 Posts: 22
I have discovered that my stories are sold not only on the afore mentioned websites , but others too . For instance , all four of my eBooks have made 86-89 on OrgoModz's top 100 bestsellers . So happy !
Joined: 7/23/2014 Posts: 159
ConGrats! Allen,
Interesting idea, to have your books on a very specific site where your target audience visits. I wonder if we could generalize to say any book sells better if it is advertised on a web site or in a magazine that is read by the target audience. For example, the target audience of a fantasy novel might include on-line gaming websites.
Thanks for the idea 
Joined: 4/24/2014 Posts: 28
I don't know what the right choice of media would be outside the US, but I do think that having robust author pages on each of the retail outlets is a good thing - a place for marketing that sometimes gets forgotten.
I did find out an interesting feature (or lack of feature) on Amazon Author Central. I have a fully-populated author page on Amazon US, and having had some recent UK sales, went to the Amazon UK site and discovered that none of my author profile information was on the UK site. I expected, or at least hoped, that the information I added to my US account would flow over to the other international Amazon sites.
I called Author Central and asked them how to link my US account to my UK one. It can't be done. Your active information, such as tweets, flow over to the international sites, but your bio, picture, events, and videos do not. In fact, none of this information flows over to any international sites, not even Canada.
For now, it looks like any country in which I want to have a presence as an author on Amazon, I must setup an Author Central account, and fill in the basic profile information. A big hassle, but for a least a few countries it seems like a good thing to do.
Here are the places that Author Central has international sites, where you'd need to manually add your profile/marketing information.
Sorry, a bit off topic, but hope everyone who sells on Amazon finds this useful.
Janice --edited by JanPeac on 3/19/2015, 11:33 AM--
Joined: 7/23/2014 Posts: 159
WoW JanPeac,
Specific, detailed, useful information like you just gave us is always welcome.
Thank you!
Joined: 4/28/2014 Posts: 40
Great information Janice. I'm a dummy when it comes to marketing, and knowing how to market is the heartbeat of an Indie writer. Thank you for sharing!
Joined: 3/3/2014 Posts: 7
Hi, Janice,
This is good info. Thanks for sharing.
Gloria Piper