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Print copies of self-published books
Lucy Silag - Book Country Community Manager
Posted: Friday, February 27, 2015 4:43 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Question for the self-pubbers out there: Do you think it's necessary to have print copies of your books? What are the advantages of having some printed up?
Posted: Friday, February 27, 2015 9:22 PM
Joined: 9/17/2013
Posts: 104

I confess i haven't self-published anything yet.

It depends on your book and your market. If you write for an electronic market and sell on-line, an ebook may be the way to go.

My publisher said we might make more money on ebooks than the print books, but we haven't made the conversion yet. In my part of the world a lot of readers in the bookstores, coffee shops, gift shops and libraries still prefer a paper copy. In November I sold a couple hundred dollars worth at a speaking gig without trying; the crowd liked my presentation and I had a box of books along. I am an amateur. We have a professional essayist living east of us who will combine a reading and a short performance by his acoustic rock band and sell a couple thousand dollars worth of books in three hours.

A good friend wrote a children's book, which had to be in paper. He hired an artist and a professional designer, and some other professional help. I think he put about $25,000 into the book up front. He knew his market, recovered his investment within a couple of months, and then proceeded to make some real money on the book.

Th ebook has a place. The print book has a place. 

Posted: Sunday, March 1, 2015 12:07 AM
Joined: 4/24/2014
Posts: 28

I self-published "High Strung" as both an ebook and a paperback, and I'm glad I did.  Initially I was only going to do the ebook, but as I talked to potential readers it became clear that some people wanted the "real" book, and simply weren't ebook readers.


I sell far more ebooks than paperbacks, but the paperbacks are certainly great promotional material. I've been asked by non-profits and clubs for raffle prizes, and I give them a paperback version of the book - that is harder to do with an ebook.  Friends have wanted to have autographed copies, again not really possible with an ebook. 


The downsides to doing a paperback?  Mostly it's about money. You have to get a full cover/spine/back put together -- this will be an extra expense, more than you'd spend on just a front cover for an ebook.  You'll need another ISBN, which will also cost you, but not much.  You'll have to format for print, or hire a book designer. I did the formatting myself on my first book, will likely do the same on the next. It is an extra hassle, and if you are not a whiz at Word formatting, it can be frustrating.


Plus, I've got to say:  It was thrilling to open a box of books and look inside.  MY book!  Tangible evidence of the hours/days/weeks of work that went into creating this bundle of words.



Posted: Sunday, March 1, 2015 5:48 AM
Joined: 3/13/2014
Posts: 26

So glad this topic popped up. I am thinking I might want to get into print but not sure. Lots of good information here!
Amanda Kimberley
Posted: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:39 PM
Joined: 11/30/2011
Posts: 69

Lucy Silag - Book Country Community Manager wrote:
Question for the self-pubbers out there: Do you think it's necessary to have print copies of your books? What are the advantages of having some printed up?
Yes, I think it is important to have print copies of books. Many of the people I've come across still like to bring books to the beach instead of their eReader. Some (like me) really like the smell of books.
And even though you can do a book signing for eBooks using sites like Authorgraph, many people expect physical books at those types of events.

Posted: Monday, October 5, 2015 3:23 PM
Joined: 8/29/2015
Posts: 16

I have self-published two books in both e-book and print. I sell far more e-books (Athough it is always a thrill when someone orders a print copy.), but to do a book signing you need print books. Also, friends and family want print copies.