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Hi everyone!(1)
Posted: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:26 AM
Joined: 10/17/2013
Posts: 1

Hi everyone. My name is Donna and I live in Nelson, New Zealand.

My working background has been in social work and counselling. After many years of service, I threw the towel in and took up pen and paper - no longer to write reports - but to get the stories that have been running around inside my head out. I have always loved reading, after finishing the book I would sit and marvel at the author's talent and ability to develop plots, twists and turns, amazing world-building and memorable characters that left a lasting impression. Ah, the joys of a good book or movie after a week of crap.

I joined the Romance Writers of New Zealand (RWNZ) as well as the local branch and have learnt so much from so many talented people. I have written mostly short stories, less than a 10k word-count. I took up the 2013 Nanowrimo challenge to see if I could push out 50k. Well, I surprised myself and wrote half of my first novel - Shadows of the Mist. This is my WIP which falls into the paranormal romance genre (I hope).

I look forward to making connections and getting to know people in this community.

Thanks everyone.

Lucy Silag
Posted: Friday, January 17, 2014 12:48 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Hi Donna!


So glad you posted on the Discussion Boards. Welcome!


So many congrats on doing Nano, and for all the other exciting things you are doing in the world of romance writing--that is so cool. I hope you'll share more with us about how you found the RWNZ and what kinds of activities you've been doing with them!


I also wanted to tell you that I have been to Nelson--way back in the summer (NZ winter) of 2004! Nelson was my favorite place in all of NZ (I visited much of the North Island and only a bit of the South Island). I am a knitter and was also into sewing at that time, so the World of Wearable Art was the most fun for me. Nelson is just such a nice place! Say hello for me!


We've connected, so we can private message. Don't hesitate to send me a note if you need any help at all on the site!


Lucy Silag

Book Country Community and Engagement Manager