Joined: 2/9/2012 Posts: 427
Hi there, new recruits!
Since Comedic Fiction was just added to Book Country, I assume most of you are new here. Don't be shy! If you have a newly-posted manuscript on Book Country, and are seeking readers & feedback, here's the place to talk about it. Go for it.
Book Country Coordinator --edited by Nevena Georgieva on 7/2/2013, 9:52 AM--
Short story collection "Welcome to Planet Nonsense, Coffin Corner, and The Fantasy Train". First two stories are now uploaded (there will be 20 to 30 in total). The first is Working for Bub, which I had posted before and this is a new draft. Since this is comic fantasy, I'll post it under fantasy as well.
Joined: 9/11/2013 Posts: 2
Hi all. I head about Book Country on NPR's On The Media and decided to try it out.
I just posted the first eight chapters of my novel The Meaghan Factor and would appreciate any feedback.
--edited by garyhorsman on 9/12/2013, 11:36 AM--
Joined: 9/9/2013 Posts: 5
Hi. Just joined Book Country after hearing the NPR story, too. Have just posted a new book THE GELDED AGE, based on a script I had in development with two Disney producers awhile back. Would love any feedback anyone has to offer. Cheers.
--edited by Bret Plate on 10/15/2013, 7:45 PM--
Learned about Book Country through NaNoWriMo. I'm looking to get some feedback for my project, "The Brothers North and the Topaz Eye," before I self-publish it.
Joined: 12/10/2013 Posts: 3
Just uploaded my EXODUS, STAGE LEFT for comments, a Mel Brooksian romp through Ancient Egypt with Legion Ayers, a 26th Century emissary of the Trans-temporal Corrections Agency. Please check it out. Any reactions are welcome. --edited by arnbar on 8/7/2014, 1:11 AM--
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi Arnbar, nice to meet you here on Book Country. So glad you posted about your Comedic Fiction project. Looking forward to checking out.
Thanks for sending me a connection request, too--I just accepted it. Please send me a message if you need help with anything!
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
JM, it's good to see you back on Book Country, too! Your book looks terrific--I will check it out, too.
Joined: 8/9/2014 Posts: 11
Hi, everyone. I'm Sue Hart and very new to Book Country. I posted my book, Mystical Journeys: Memories, just a few days ago. Warning, it is a romance novel I have tried to make fun with a witty humor. I would appreciate trading reads with anyone and will love getting feedback. I understand that it will have mistakes. Editing till we drop is what writers do. 
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi Sue! Thanks for introducing yourself on this board. I love fiction with a sense of humor so I am excited to check out your book.
Please let me know if you need any help finding your way around Book Country!
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hey Thomas, great to hear from you! Always love to hear when there is new funny stuff here on Book Country to read.
Thanks for introducing yourself and letting us know about your story. If you need any help here on Book Country, you can ask on the discussion boards or send an email to support@BookCountry.com. Just get in touch if anything comes up!
Joined: 3/30/2015 Posts: 2
I've just posted my comedic fiction novel "Fore Play" and looking for a review. I'd be happy to review anyone's work.
Joined: 7/12/2015 Posts: 11
Hi there,
I've just posted the first book in a trilogy. It's called Dangerous Snacks, and it's set in the British Education system. I'll be posting book two soon (A Piece of Cake), but the third needs finishing off (Just Desserts). Books one and two have already been through the mill with agents, and got some interest but no representation. So, I'm going to self-publish them, probably just after Christmas. Be warned, there's a lot of swearing in them, and a Secretary of State for Education with a bowel problem. I'm really looking for editing suggestions at this point, but would be interested in any feed back, and reading other comedy in return.