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REVIEWS: Fearlessly Forthright or Nicely-Nicely?
Mimi Speike
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2013 12:42 AM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

I'm trying to think of a catchy title for the thread. What do you think of:

Out of Our (Collective) Minds.

Perry Tercel
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2013 2:00 AM

Trying to start the discussion... Got all the boxes typed in... I kept hitting 'Post Discussion' and it wouldn't take...
(Probably these doggone raptor claws. I dunno.)

What am I doing wrong, guys?

Mimi Speike
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2013 5:30 AM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

I've seen people report before that they were having trouble posting a discusion. 

Try this: Start a discussion under Report Bugs Here in Book Country. Call it Trouble Posting a Discussion. See if that works. If it does, try the other one again.

Posted: Friday, June 7, 2013 10:03 AM
Joined: 5/27/2013
Posts: 108

So I got it up with a couple rules and everything.


is the name on the thread. I sent you all a recommendation. I set the deadline for the writing the 1st paragraph for Sun night. You can bounce over and read the couple rules.

Mimi - you had better bring it. If I don't see something stupendous, I may feel cheated. Even if it is stupendously terrible, no half-arsing it.

Perry - I gave life to your baby, so I hope it goes well. If not, I intend to blame it all on you. Just saying.

Kevin Haggerty
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2013 1:55 PM
Joined: 3/17/2011
Posts: 88

Um. Hey, Perry and Alan,

For two years now the Book Country Community has done a pretty amazing job of keeping threads, more or less, on topic. So, when those of us who follow a given thread get a message that there are, say, 4 more posts in that thread, we can generally expect to see something new and interesting to do with the topic of that thread. You guys have just been jawing here for going on 4 pages, when up to that point this was a pretty great thread about giving and receiving criticism.

Start a new thread or post in the Progress/Lack of Progress Report threads or over in Alan's new Slacker thread. I don't think I'm the only member who follows this particular thread to read what people have to say about critiquing each other's work.


Mimi Speike
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2013 2:07 PM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

Kevin is right, of course. But I figure we may be forgiven the hijacking of this discussion, for the last on-topic post, hell, the last post, period, until the latest burst of activity, was made over a year ago. I really thought this thread was dead as a DoDo.

Where shall we continue this back-and-forth? Summer Slackers? See you there. 

Michael R Hagan
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2013 4:19 PM
Joined: 10/14/2012
Posts: 229

Keeping with the theme of commenting on critiques and the giving and receiving of criticism;
Kevin I thought your criticism was unnecessary and a little patronising. The prose was acceptable, the content bland... and your photo is intimidating too. 
I just about stopped checking in on this site as there was little or no activity for so long, and was just glad to hear a couple of fresh voices. Have you really been following a dormant thread for a year?
Perry and Alan may have been jawing on for 4 pages on non-relevant pointless garble but........ okay they've just been jawing on in a non-relevant pointless garble.
I for one am glad to see it.... And that's not just because after reading the comment thread after Perry's review I'm scared to death to criticise.
Check your windows and doors are locked, man!

P.S. I have no idea what half the badges awarded on BC are for, or what their colours denote, but I too would like to get a thread policing badge, how does one go about this?
Don't answer here, I'll open a new thread in the 'how to get a thread police badge' section.
Luv yo'al
Joani Davis
Posted: Friday, June 14, 2013 9:56 AM
Joined: 4/3/2013
Posts: 20

Finding a site like Book Country was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I love the reviews and have been able to see my work with new eyes. The structual, techniqual, and creative advice has been amazing. I appreciate constructive feed back and the fact that a person takes the time to read my work with a critical eye.

One negative aspect that I have just experienced are the reviewers who only read a few paragraphs but leave me a review that is almost a chapter long. They seem to focus on a paragraph or two and pick them apart to the point where I become bored, and I have to go back and refocus. They dont bother reading further to find out story connections so their comments about the story line dont make sense. They literally tell me that reading further is not worth their time.

Now I understand the fact that an editor would be tough and even brutal. In my humble opinion I joined Book Country because I am looking to grow as a writer. So I don't need to be brushed aside as having little worth. I would respect the reviewer more if they read the entire piece and hated it. At least, I would feel that they were giving me an informed opinion and not just a self-serving rant.

Yes, I do feel stung a bit. However, a few days later I received a 2nd review from one of my original reviewers and it was long and detailed and pointed out several flaws and mistakes. The difference was that she took the time to read the entire piece and was able to point out my strengths and weaknesses. I could literally see my growth as a writer as the critique progressed. That review was and is invaluable to me.