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New Year Writing Resolutions
Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 9:06 PM
Joined: 3/13/2011
Posts: 222

What are you going to challenge yourself to do with your writing in the new year?

My basic goal is to complete two books -- start to finish -- during the year.

My second goal is to edit both of those books and revisit/edit a third book I've already written.

I hope this will be a very profitable year for me -- in terms of writing quality, quantity, and effort put in!
Angela Martello
Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 10:26 PM
Joined: 8/21/2011
Posts: 394

With respect to my writing, my goals are to finish editing the three books in the "A Kaliphian Matter" series and do some more aggressive querying. Also hope to finish writing the first drafts of two other books I've started.

With respect to Book Country, my goal is to be a more active reviewer.

LeeAnna Holt
Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 10:37 PM
Joined: 4/30/2011
Posts: 662

I hope to, one, finish writing my second book and work on my third. Second, finish writing and editing the small pile of shorts laying around and submit them to publications (only to receive rejection letters, but thats okay). Third, I want to be more active in reviewing other's works. And finally, I will self publish my first book and hock it like I have no self respect.

This should be an eventful year.
Timothy Maguire
Posted: Monday, December 19, 2011 6:22 AM
Joined: 8/13/2011
Posts: 272

For myself, my goal is to get two of my books to the point where I'm comfortable sending them off, expand the rest of my projects, do Nanowrimo again and get all that writing done  before the end of the world (it is 2012 after all).

For Book Country, my goal is to do more reviews, contribute more to discussions and try and knock together a science advice thread for the SF board.
A J Hart
Posted: Monday, December 19, 2011 9:22 AM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 26

Finishing off a few books is also on my list, as well as try out different styles and genres to write in. 

My top goal is to put a considerable effort into getting the before mentioned book rejected (read as published).

I would also like to develope my review skills to the point where I don't feel like a fish out of water when writing one. 
Dennise Sleeper
Posted: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 2:07 PM
I'll be starting a writing class in January. Jay recommended this and in her book Kitchen Privileges, Mary Higgins Clark said the writing classes improved her writing and helped toward her publication. I plan to work on short stories for magazine publication if the instructor will work with me on them.

I have a picture book that I wrote for a friend's characters. He'll be illustrating it this year. He plans to self publish.

Based on my experience with the writing classes, I'll either continue to flesh out Second Chances and Summer Vacation or plan on that for later. Have to find out what stage my novel writing is to know if I'm ready for publication or if I need a bit more time.

I expect Book Country to continue being an important part of my time. Between classes and work, I intend to continue being active between reviewing and posting.

Alexandria Brim
Posted: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 12:01 AM
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 350

Hmm, New Year Writing Resolution(s)? I would like to finish at least one of my books this year, get it edited and ready to shop around. I would like to be at least looking for agents if I don't have one.

As for Book Country, I guess I have to echo the wish to review more books!
Mimi Speike
Posted: Sunday, December 25, 2011 2:19 AM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 1016

Here it is, late Christmas Eve and I'm on Book Country. What can I say? I'm obsessed with this site.

I've not uploaded anything yet. I have two reviews to go. I'm taking my time at it, because I'm taking it very seriously: reading, thinking, writing, rereading, examining the other comments, reconsidering, etc. I'd like to get my book up, for sure. On the other hand, I don't want to shortchange anyone by giving a less than carefully deliberated appraisal. 

My goal for 2012 is to get it done, get my IPO up, and then concentrate on reading and reviewing gangbusters, for selfish reasons. The process is an incredible learning tool. It really opens your eyes to other points of view. I am loving-loving-loving this!

And I'm going to continue to pound away at my Sly!, my manic adventure, which is twenty years in the making but far from done. I'll be posting the first three or four chapters before long. The second half is more-or-less ready to go. It's the hook-up of two sections that I am struggling with.

I have an outline, but it's damn hard to stick to. New characters keep butting in, always to solve a plot problem. Then I fall in love with them and can't bear to kill them off. And so it goes, ever expanding, erupting from the center like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, pushing my continents, my start and finish, further and further apart. I ought to call my monster The Never-Ending Story, but I believe the title is taken. 

I give a ton of credit to anyone who undertakes the daunting process of finding your footing in the literary landscape: Discover your voice. Develop an idea, a structure, and a direction.  Assuming that you've mastered a come hither delivery, a beguiling linguistic style, get the ball rolling, nail that opening scene. Them's the preliminaries. Then, as the saying goes, apply ass to chair and do it. Write!

So far, (I've only just joined up) I judge several BookCountryites as folks to be reckoned with. They've definitely got what it takes, and they'll only get better. 

What do I want from these marvels? I want to be thrilled, and intimidated, by their achievements. I want to turn green with envy. Excellence of rivals goads you into a more determined effort. Learn all you can from the best, and don't kid yourself, be brutally honest about your own work. 

Do I practice what I preach? I sure try to. Do I succeed? I'll open that can of worms another time.

I'll sign off on a lighter note: may we all have a fabulous, productive new year!

Posted: Sunday, January 1, 2012 8:59 PM
Joined: 3/13/2011
Posts: 102

For 2012, I hope to finish all three of my books in progress, and send out queries for at least two of them. I dare not dream beyond that.

Michael R Underwood
Posted: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 9:34 AM
Joined: 3/3/2011
Posts: 68

2012 Goals --

Revise my novel Geekomancy to prepare it for market.

Finish Children of the Blade, my YA Fantasy, and start revising it if possible.

Continue querying for Shield & Crocus until all good venues are exhausted.

Revise some short stories and get them on the market.

Do the Clarion West Write-a-Thon again, working on short stories. 

As for Book Country, I'm hoping to get back into the discussions more and focus my reviews on areas I'm trying to publish into to get a better sense for the field.
Lisa Hoekstra
Posted: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 1:08 PM
Joined: 5/10/2011
Posts: 88

My 2012 writing goals are to finish writing Silver Darkness and editing Perchance to Dream (so that it's the best it can be). I'd like to get back into reviewing on Book Country as well - I've been a bit MIA since November.
Angela Martello
Posted: Saturday, March 3, 2012 8:56 AM
Joined: 8/21/2011
Posts: 394

As it is now March, thought I'd revisit this thread to see what I had jotted down as my resolutions for this year.

1. Finish editing the books in the Kaliphian Matter trilogy: Well, I got through the first one and am more than half the way through the second. I think I'll actually KEEP this resolution.

2. Do some more aggressive querying: Haven't started this yet - quite frankly, I find this whole process about as much fun as going to the dentist.

3. Write first drafts of the two other books I've started: Hmmm, haven't really touched these because of all the editing and revising. Think I'll need to set aside at least one day a week devoted to new writing.

4. Become a more active reviewer on this site: For the last month, I've been trying to do at least two reviews a week. I'd like to do more, but then it becomes a balancing act with respect to what I do with my "free" time (ie, time not spent at work, in class, or everything else we do in our lives) - writing, editing, or reviewing?

Overall, though, I feel like I'm on track (with, of course, the occasional meanders down a side path).

Dennise Sleeper
Posted: Saturday, March 3, 2012 10:08 AM
Good idea Angela

I'll be starting a writing class in January. This did happen. I've completed two assignments. First assignment went well. The instructor actually said I turned in 'an excellent first piece of writing.' Still waiting for the results of assignment two.
Thanks BC.

I have a picture book that I wrote for a friend's characters. He'll be illustrating it this year. I don't think he's started on this.

on my experience with the writing classes, I'll either continue to
flesh out Second Chances and Summer Vacation or plan on that for later.
Not to the point I know what's going to happen here.

I expect Book Country
to continue being an important part of my time.
I'm doing the best I can with this one, although I feel I've failed a bit. Seems I'm reviewing less and not getting on as much as I had hoped. May need to adjust my expectations of BC time.

Overall, I've been in a bit of a slump. I finished assignment three, but can't turn it in until I get back assignment two and ensure I'm not making the same mistakes. The assignments are planned out to seven, but I need to do them one at a time to correct any errors discovered in previous assignments.

I submitted one piece and am waiting for the answer. I'll be working on another submission in a couple of months and possibly a third later this year.

And that's me not totally meeting my resolutions, but still have time to rectify.