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Best tips for conference prep
Lucy Silag - Book Country Community Manager
Posted: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 3:01 PM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Those of you who've participated in writing conferences (such as PNWA, SFWC, AWP, etc.), what tips can you share with how you've prepared for the conference?
Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2015 2:19 PM
Joined: 7/21/2015
Posts: 92

What I did:

Researched the Agents and Editors that were going to be there.  I /really/ (really) had a favorite Agent going to PNW and instead of sending that person my blind query, I waited to speak with her face to face instead.  That personal eye-to-eye contact means a lot to me.


(Side note: Stick to your guns about your choices.  I found myself swayed during the conference and decided against one of the picks to try someone else--I should have went with the game plan.  Your gut will tell you, you just gotta listen to it.)


Got the book all finished.  Revised.  Edited. Revised again and then revised again.  Also got my synopsis and the pitch ready.  I'm not sure about my pitch, it's really green still. I feel really green.  (Something I dislike a lot).


I should have done:


More social push-ups.  I am not a very social person and always feel like both of my feet are aiming directly for my throat every time I get around a group of people.  I tried to get out and be around people more outside of work and even at work, but after the convention, I was wrung out.  It has taken a few days to get unflustered and the muse is still avoiding me. 


Just want to say how important it is to be social and not to be afraid.  I can say this because I'm one of the most socially awkward people I know and understand how challenging it is.  Everyone at conferences are so nice and kind and generous.  Why miss out on that experience?  Even if you might need to rehab a little afterwards. It's for a good cause!

