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Coming up with titles...
Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 2:23 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

I know if you plan to publish traditionally, the publisher will probably change the title. However, I like to have a catchy title before that, to stick in an agent/editor's memory, or if I decide to self-publish, one that will catch a reader's attention. 

...but I suck at titles. 

I've been lucky with a couple of mine, which I think fit wonderfully. Pride & Purgatory is one of them (and the 2nd and 3rd in this series are Purgatory & Punishment and War & Purgatory; the story is an urban fantasy that partially takes place guessed it, Purgatory. happy). I'm also pretty happy with Rain Over Me, which is an erotic romance where the heroine has a water fetish (NOT watersports--hers is more of a "gets turned on by rain" sort of thing). 

But my historical romances are trickier. The stories are based on constellation myths or meaning (where there aren't myths associated with it), and I'd originally chosen Frank Sinatra song titles and altered them to things like Fly Me to the Stars, Reaching for the Moon, Stars in the Night, In the Still of the Night...etc. Recently, though, someone suggested I make a play on relationship self-help books in the title of Reaching for the Moon, since my heroine uses self-help books to "fix" her marriage of convenience.

So how do you come up with titles?


P.S. If you're good at this sort of thing, I'd LOVE to know if you have any ideas for me. I'm playing with the following, but they all seem "okay" to me so far (please note that these are Regency romances!), but I'm open to suggestions:


Gentlemen are from Mars, Ladies are from Venus

The Marriage Manual

The Joy of Marriage

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 11:33 PM

Hmm. I don't exactly think I'm an expert on titles. But I do my best to create catchy 'working' titles for my manuscripts, to orientate what it's about and to draw in potential reviewers on Book Country.


For instance, this is the title for my WIP Traditional Fantasy series: the Dark Destinies Trilogy


Titles for the individual manuscripts are:


Destiny's Bond (Currently writing)


Bound by Destiny (Haven't started)


Threads of Destiny; Drugara's Heart (Haven't started)


I like to think those titles are creative--they came to me easily.


Other titles--which I have yet to write the stories for--are:


Lover's Last Breath


Lover Forgotten


A Mommy for Christmas


Blood Secrets


Fates Be Damned


Dark Angel


Deadly Intent


Storm Clouds


Taming the Wild Heart


Each of those titles has a summary behind it explaining my vision for the future manuscript they revolve around. Others have most likely used these titles before me, but I feel they fit the story ideas I've pinned them to.


As for yours, I like 'The Marriage Manual'--sounds enticing, so long as I'm coming across it in the fiction section. Otherwise I'd think this is a manual for marriages and ignore it, lol.


I can't think of any titles that would fit Regency--maybe because I don't write in that Genre. But I'll do some research and list some titles I thought sounded good tomorrow.




P.S. I read Rain Over Me and left a review a couple months ago. Really loved the story

Posted: Friday, April 3, 2015 10:06 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Hey Amber! I'm so glad you found and liked Rain Over Me! I just checked and never thanked you, so I apologize for that. 


I loved your titles, and Lover's Last Breath and Fates Be Damned have me intrigued. 




Amber Wolfe
Posted: Saturday, April 4, 2015 2:45 AM

Thanks, Noelle


I'm doing research on Regency titles now--sorry I haven't posted yet. My internet's dial-up slow, and I slept the day away. I'm hoping to have a list some time in the next few hours. Then I'll scuttle down to the library and post them for you.


Just didn't want you to think I'm a liar . . .


P.S., I really did love Rain Over Me. Are you planning to upload more chapters for peer review? I'd love to check out how the story's going


Oh, and if you'd like to use some of those titles of mine, I won't mind--I'm pretty certain others before me have used them, so it's not like they're 'my creations'. Except for Threads of Destiny; Drugara's Heart. That's mine



Amber Wolfe
Posted: Saturday, April 4, 2015 6:18 AM

All right. I'm here to deliver the list of Regency Romance titles I promised. Found some that I thought sounded intriguing to me.


They are:


An Offer From a Gentleman


Just Like Heaven


It's in His Kiss


Devil in Winter


When He Was Wicked


What Happens in London


Devil's Bride


A Rogue By Any Other Name


Secrets of a Summer Night


Scandal in Spring


Seduce Me at Sunrise


A Night Like This


It Happened One Autumn


Married by Morning


Dreaming of You


How to Marry a Marquis


When Beauty Tamed the Beast


Tempt Me at Twilight


Everything and the Moon


Long list, I know. But they popped out at me as I was scanning a Regency Romance site. I don't know whether they'll help you, but you could take some of the titles and twist them to suit your needs. Like maybe take Tempt me at Twilight and Everything and the Moon and combine them into: Twilight and the Moon? Or something like that. Maybe put your own twist on them.


Hope that helps.



Posted: Saturday, April 4, 2015 10:55 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226



I had to smile at those titles...they're from some of my favorite books by my favorite authors!


I'm wondering if I should keep the constellation theme in the titles. Part of me wants to, because I've thought of these books as "The Constellation Series" for years, but the other part of me is thinking I should let go of that (at least in title-land...the premises are going to remain based on the myths). 


As far as Rain Over Me...I just uploaded the newest version (first 50 pages' worth) tonight. It's got some rewriting in terms of what Audra's goals are, and I took out some of the things that started to seem creepy/rapey to me (the first time the guys corner her after her little exhibitionism, for example) and made it more fantasy than reality. I also added a short scene at the end to show what happens after the pool game. 





P.S. I plan to return the favor, by the way. Might be after my kids are back to school after Spring Break this week. 

Amber Wolfe
Posted: Sunday, April 5, 2015 7:32 AM

Wow, my picking titles you're familiar with is quite a coincidence


I'm going to be reading the newest version of Rain Over Me, and leaving a review--this one, I promise, will be much more detailed than my previous. I was kind of tired when I wrote that review, and couldn't strain my brain to be too nitpicky. So it wasn't a very good review in the first place, seeing as I didn't really write much of assistance . . . Not one of my proudest moments as a reviewer. It might take me a while to finish the review, though, since my internet's dial-up and takes forever to load manuscripts. But expect a review from me--hopefully--sometime this month.


As for returning the favor, I'd really love some feedback on my Traditional Fantasy WIP Destiny's Bond--it's the manuscript I'm focusing all my energy on at the moment. It's also my first attempt at fiction, and as I'm still learning the ropes of Craft, feedback from other writers is most appreciated. You don't have to read it all, since it's kind of long--some thoughts on the first few chapters would be superb. Of course, if you wanted to read more, that'd be wonderful for my blooming writer's confidence, lol.


Take your time on reciprocating--I understand that others have a life outside of Book Country. Just knowing I have someone checking the manuscript out is enough to keep me patient.




P.S. I think you should go with your heart when it comes to changing the titles of your Series. If you're really struggling between keeping them and changing them, you could experiment with some other titles to see if they fit. If you decide they don't, then maybe you should keep them as they are--your subconscious will take care of the problem for you, in the end. Especially if all of a sudden a title pops into your mind that you think fits the manuscripts perfectly

--edited by Amber Wolfe on 4/5/2015, 7:35 AM--

Elizabeth Moon
Posted: Monday, April 6, 2015 1:49 PM
Joined: 6/14/2012
Posts: 194

Titles are tough.  I work in a genre different enough from yours that my ideas may not work for you, and I don't know familiar titles in your area (things you might want to avoid) but given your desire to use "Constellations"  if you can, why not go with the constellation names themselves...with some hint that you're linking the constellation by that name to your story.  (Are you sticking to Zodiac constellations, or additional ones?)  


So for instance  Hunter in the Stars, or Hunter by Night (for Orion),  A Blaze of Sisters (for Pleiades, if a story has sisters in it),  Scorpion's Sting (betrayal?),  Lion's Jaws,  Bringer of Water,  Like a Fish in the Sea,  Bear with Me, Poles Apart,


But then...not an expert at titles.  Titles that form a connected theme for a series are generally a good idea, though. 

Posted: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 10:29 AM
Joined: 4/24/2014
Posts: 28

I love the constellation idea, those titles sound intriguing -- always good thing!

I think it's fun thinking up titles. For my series, a cozy mystery with a bead theme, I'm sticking to bead-oriented titles: High Strung (first book), A Bead in the Hand (currently on BC for review), Still My Beading Heart, Off the Beadin' Path, To Bead on Not to Bead, At Loose Ends. I could go on and on.  

Just my 2 centavos,


Posted: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 10:49 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226



That's a great idea. I hadn't thought to do that with my titles. My novel-length books are based on the zodiac (Gemini and Libra for starters, with premises for more), and the novellas are on the other constellations (I have Andromeda's and Cassiopeia's stories written and being edited, and the plot for the Pegasus story is poking me in the head fairly constantly). As you can imagine, I have an unending supply of inspiration.  



Posted: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 10:50 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Jan, those are fabulous titles!!! I would pick up those books from the titles alone.

