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Can anyone recommend a good ebook cover artist?
Ian Nathaniel Cohen
Posted: Monday, June 24, 2013 4:58 PM

I have a very vague idea of what I want the cover to a book I'm writing for self-publication, but I don't have the graphic design talent to pull it off (and it doesn't help that my idea of what I want it to look like is hazy at best).  I'm thinking something similar to this cover, or perhaps this one, juxtaposed with a 17th-century style King of Hearts in the suicide king position (it doesn't have to look exactly like what's pictured, but enough so that it doesn't look modern). 


Anyone know anyone who might know anyone?

--edited by Ian Nathaniel Cohen on 6/24/2013, 4:59 PM--

Nevena Georgieva
Posted: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 9:33 PM
Joined: 2/9/2012
Posts: 427

One of our veteran members on the site is a pretty good designer, actually: Noelle Pierce. Maybe she can help!

Nevena from BC

--edited by Nevena Georgieva on 6/25/2013, 9:34 PM--

Posted: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 10:07 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Hey Ian! Those are some great cover inspirations. I'm a digital artist and I might be able to help you out. You can email me at selestiele AT gmaildotcom or message me here. 



P.S. You can see my art portfolio at and some of my book covers at