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Punctuation and Grammar Software
Posted: Friday, August 9, 2013 4:46 PM
Joined: 8/9/2013
Posts: 2

Does anyone know of any good online or free punctuation and grammar software?
Mckenzie M
Posted: Friday, September 6, 2013 9:48 PM
I don't, but your word processor can be set to track spelling, grammar and punctuation issues. It may also help to purchase a grammar book, or borrow one from the library.
Jay Greenstein
Posted: Friday, September 6, 2013 11:25 PM

Don't bother. They don't work properly for fiction. If you write in third person you'll have lots of notices that your tense is wrong. And they can become confused by dialog with tags.


They also often insist on things like a comma where you might place on in nonfiction, but not when writing that particular line in fiction. And dialog...


I often use Word's built in checker to help catch my mistake's but never blindly take its advice. I also have Gramarian for Mac, but about half its advice is wrong because of the fiction in third person problem.

Violet M
Posted: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 5:21 PM
Joined: 2/26/2015
Posts: 6

The Purdue Owl is a writer's website that is free offered by, you guessed, Purdue University. It has a grammar section and other great tips. However, it is does not post every thing you need to know, so I suggest getting a good book on grammar.