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Billyhill enters the arena
Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2015 8:53 AM
Joined: 3/5/2015
Posts: 2


Billyhill, the bone chewing Swedish berserk is now entering the arena of Book Country! Equipped with nothing less than a two meter long pen made out of mammoth tusk, filled with blood from thousands of warriors rotting in the battle field. Blood of the soulless, marking the black for their last journey to Valhalla.

Oh... Hey! Its me average Patrik, a normal hillbilly from Sweden or as we say here a "typical Svensson". Living in a town with 50,000 inhabitants in the north of Sweden. I read books, I write novels and I am one of the founder members of the book club: Cordia

I came to visit this online sanctuary to simply get widen my online friend portfolio who like to discuss books, news and literature.

Since this is my thread, my own virtual space of a few bytes, I want to take the opportunity to ask You a question:

Why did you come here and most importantly - what is made you to stay?



Lucy Silag - Book Country Community Manager
Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2015 10:51 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Hi Billyhill--welcome to Book Country! Thanks for the friendly introduction. Please let me know if I can help show you around the site or if you have any questions. Be sure and fill out your profile, so that people who come to visit it will get the chance to learn more about you and will connect with you.


Happy writing!



Amber Wolfe
Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2015 11:42 PM

Hi, billyhill Welcome to Book Country!


You asked why I came here, and why I stayed. Here's my answer:


I came because I was seeking a community who could aid me in my journey to learn Craft. That's it. And here's why I stayed:


The people. There are a lot of talented, friendly readers and writers here on Book Country, who are always rooting for each other to succeed in their goals. My Connections have always been encouraging when it comes to my own writing, and they give me the confidence that I'll one day be talented enough to be published. Without them, I'd be nowhere near as confident.


And there you have it. My reasons for coming and staying.

