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PNR/UF Recommendations?
Posted: Saturday, May 7, 2011 1:50 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Hi everyone! I was reading Rachelle Gardner's blog this week and one of the questions she asked was whether we read in the genre we write. My response was yes for Historical romance (Regency, mostly), but not as much for Paranormal. 

I had the idea for Lightstorm, my paranormal romance/urban fantasy from a dream. However, I don't really read the genre. I've read a few since I started my book, but I'm always looking for more published authors to read. Here's the problem: I don't like vampires, shapeshifters/werewolves, or demons as characters, or time travel. I prefer magic, Fae, or more unusual paranormal characters. 

I'm currently reading the first of Karen Marie Moning's Fever series, and I've read the first of Gena Showalter's Extraordinary Girl series. Given that there are a lot of romance readers and writers on this site, I'd love some more recommendations for non-vamp/shifter/were/demon paranormals or urban fantasy with HIGH levels of romance (I need to get an idea how they fit the romantic stuff in between the action).

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sunday, May 8, 2011 4:53 AM
Joined: 3/16/2011
Posts: 214

Maggie Shayne wrote some great fae romances -- and this was way before the paranormal genre even became popular. I think she also did the vampire/werewolf thing, too. But it was seriously Old School romance -- it's very different than the type of PNR than you read now. Her plots have a lot more mystique than the ones I read today in which anyone and everyone can be a vampire, including the heroine.

I wish I could remember the names of the specific books. But if you search on Amazon, they're still there. I'm just about to purchase another MS book tonight, as a matter of fact.
Posted: Monday, May 9, 2011 1:45 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Thanks, LisaMarie! I actually think I have one of her books from RWA last year, but don't know if it's one of those. Will have to dig it out of my TBR pile.
Posted: Monday, May 16, 2011 6:42 AM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 44

Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark series focuses on valkyrie and witches, for the most part, for the female leads. The male leads tend to be vampires and weres. However, even if those aren't your favorite paranormal types, I recommend this series if:
1. You want to balance high-octane action with hot romance
2. You want to balance deeper feelings with humor
3. You want to write romance where the couple is clearly the focus, with decent worldbuilding.

Did I mention they're funny? She also does a good job of making sure that each character has a distinct personality and background rather than just being "vampire characteristics" with a new name,

Gena Showalter also has the Lords of the Underworld series, which features warriors who opened Pandora's Box and are now cursed to be the embodiment of a variety of bad things: violence, pain, death, misery, etc... They're actually fairly light, despite that description.
Posted: Monday, May 16, 2011 4:52 PM
Joined: 3/14/2011
Posts: 226

Awesome! I've been looking at the Immortals After Dark series, but it's always nice to hear a "personal" recommendation. And funny is good. I love a little snark and/or humor to help temper things. I'll have to check out the Lords of the Underworld series, too. I didn't know what it was about, but your description is very intriguing! Thanks so much!
Danielle Poiesz
Posted: Thursday, May 19, 2011 8:55 PM
I would also recommend A BRUSH OF DARKNESS by Allison Pang. It's a debut novel and, I'm not gonna lie, I edited it haha but it's a great example of a fresh new voice and UF novel with a strong romance and lots of layers

I also love Jeri Smith Ready's WVMP UF series (starts with WICKED GAME). Jeaniene Frost is another good PR to read, and Jill Myles is hilarious if you're in the mood for something like that

I could go on and on haha
Kimberly Jones
Posted: Thursday, June 9, 2011 5:27 PM
Joined: 4/28/2011
Posts: 9

I give another vote the Immortals After Dark series by Kresley Cole. It's seriously one of the best out there and she's won a few RITA's for best PNR over the last few years. It's really one of the best series out there right now for this genre.