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New Star War Title!!!
Zach Heher
Posted: Friday, November 7, 2014 11:42 AM

OHMYGOD!!! I am happy to be alive in this decade.


Most of you probably heard about this already but I'm gonna go ahead and talk about this because I really like talking about stuff like this. Yesterday wasn't just movie news, it was movie history. Star Wars episode 7 officially has a title; Star Wars: The Force Awakens


God, there is so much speculation circling what is in store for the seventh film and everyone is excited. What does the title mean? Has the force been asleep? Has Luke Skywalker just lost his way and must rekindle his connection to the force? Does this mean the return of the Jedi Order? Who knows, but it's fun to speculate. Not only have they announced a title but they're all done with filming too. This just gets better and better.


I love everything that is Star Wars. I love all the movies (even the prequels), the games, the comics, and the animated shows (The Clone Wars & Rebels). The announcement of this new title further fuels my passion for this franchise.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is planned to be released December 2015, yet another awesome year for movies with stuff like Avengers 2, Ant-Man, Hunger Games, Terminator 5, Mad Max 4, and Jurassic Park 4. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and the rest of the original cast is back also starring newcomers Jon Boyega (Attack the Block), Daisy Ridley (Inbetweeners 2), and Adam Driver (Girls) along with veteran actors Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings) and Max Von Sydow (The Exorcist).


So what do you think of the title? Do you like it? Do you hate it? What would be the title to your Star Wars movie? Whatever you got, be sure to leave a comment or two below.

--edited by Zach Heher on 11/7/2014, 12:16 PM--